S/3 Model 10 details


On this page you will find some detailed information of the S/3 model 10.

System devices configuration.
An Alternate Program Load Device is in this configuration overview not mentioned.
This APLD is a cassette tape recorder and is used to load diagnotics when they are
unavailable from the normal input device (e.g. MFCU)

CPU data flow.
The data flow of the model 4, 6 and 8 are identical to the model 10.
The Local Storage Register (LSR) usage might differ per model.

CPU gate layout.
MLTA = Multiple Line Terminal Adaptor.
BSCA =  Binary Synchronous Communications Adator.

CPU channel 1, 2 and 3 configurations.
Each channel consist of four flat cables and is resistor terminated at the end.
At the right is an overview of all the power supplies in a model 10.